Testicular Health

We specialise in diagnosing and treating the many causes of swellings/lumps/pain in the groin and provide appropriate surgical and medical options for management


This feels like lumps above the testicle which can present with a dull ache. It is associated with male infertility and can be treated by removing these abnormal veins.


Testicular tumors:

This usually presents in young people as a swelling in the testicle. Once diagnosed The cure rates are very high with a combination of surgery and chemotherapy.

Scrotal swellings

Scrotal swellings:
Epididymal cysts

These can both be treated successfully with minor surgery.


Tortion/twisting of the testes:

This is associated with a congenital abnormality of the testes known as the horizontal lie of the testicle. It is an emergency that presents with severe pain in testicles in young people. It requires surgery within 6 hours of presentation to save the testicle.

Infections in the testicle/epididymoorchitis:

This is associated with pain and swelling of the testicle secondary to bacterial infection. It is treated with antibiotics and analgesics once properly assessed and diagnosed.

Male infertility

The patient needs to be examined by a urologist to identify any abnormalities in the scrotum such as varicocele, absence of the vas deferens, small or absent testicles. Once fully investigated the cause of the low sperm count should be identified.

Next Steps...

To schedule an appointment, do not hesitate to call or email us. We will be happy to assist you.