Bladder Health

Bladder health can have major impact on quality of life. Not only do we provide effective treatment but our practice has the technology to diagnose the underlying causes for bladder problems.


Bladder infections/ cystitis

Bladder infections/ cystitis:
This can present with frequency, urgency, burning on urination and small volumes of urine and leakage of urine. These symptoms can be mimicked by bladder stones and bladder cancer. This can be effectively treated with culture directed antibiotics and prophylaxis for recurrent urinary tract infections.

Bladder Cancer

Patients present with blood in the urine without pain. It is important to fully investigate this complaint which can be cured if diagnosed early. We test the urine and perform ultrasound and CT scans and also inspect the bladder with a telescope also known as cystoscopy. Once diagnosed this can be cured with minimally invasive surgery known as TURBT or in more advanced cases surgical removal of the bladder.



Bladder Stones

This may be due to the obstruction in the flow of urine or metabolic abnormality. Bladder stones can be shattered endoscopically through a minimally invasive approach and appropriate testing and treatment can prevent recurrence.


Incontinence of urine

Stress incontinence refers to the leakage of urine on coughing and sneezing. This can be treated with vaginal cones or minimally invasive TVT/ TOT sling operations depending on the severity of the leakage of urine.
Urge urinary incontinence. This is also known as UUI and refers to the involuntary leakage of urine association with a strong urge to pass urine. Usually medical therapy works well for the treatment of this type of incontinence. This includes anticholinergic tablets as well as other treatments involve physiotherapy and bladder training

Over active bladder

This refers to urgency and frequency in passing urine without any infective cause. We use both conservative and medical therapy to treat this condition.


We also treat rarer conditions such as bladder polyps, diverticula, painful bladder syndrome and underactive bladder.

Next Steps...

To schedule an appointment, do not hesitate to call or email us. We will be happy to assist you.